IT Systems Design

These days even small organisations can rely on complex IT systems. These might include various devices, web-based and desktop applications, bespoke software, websites, email and more. At Hello Technology we can help design and deliver IT systems which keep things simple, whilst delivering real value.

Desktop Computers

For decades dekstop computers have been the bedrock of an IT system. These days they’re less popular, with many preferring laptops and lots of tasks being achievable on a smartphone. However, for many organisations the humble desktop is still an important part of their IT setup. Choosing the right desktops to facilitate your work is important. Depending on what you will need to achieve there can be a big difference in performance requirements and therefore cost. There’s no point spending thousands on the latest machine if a half-decent refurbished desktop will do the job. Hello Technology can advise on the most appropriate computers for the job, saving you the headache of working out what to choose.

Laptop Computers

As with desktops, laptops vary dramatically in size, performance and cost. From high end MacBook Pros to lower cost Windows machines, there’s a wide range of options which can be confusing. A laptop may also be a secondary device, complimenting a desktop. Equally, it might be a staff member’s primary computer and therefore need to be up to the job of helping them work efficiently.


Alongside laptops and desktops tablets have become increasingly popular, since the advent of the iPad. While they’re generally not used as a primary device, tablets can be a handy secondary machine. It can be difficult work out whether a laptop or a tablet makes the most sense. Often it comes down to how a particular staff member will use their device. Do they need a camera, for example? If so a tablet may make more sense. Are they a programmer? Then a laptop with a full-sized keyboard will be more efficient. Tablets are often marketed as the shiny, new, desireable object – but don’t be misled! Hello Technology can help you work out what you really need, not what the marketers would like to sell you.


The smartphone has become perhaps the most widely used tech tool. From checking email and using social media to browsing the net and even writing documents. The average smartphone is capable of facilitating almost everything a desktop or laptop can, albeit in a much smaller package.

If your organisation provides phones for employees then which is best? Depending on your other IT systems and processes there may be an obvious choice between iPhone and Android. More often than not it comes down to budget or user preference, rather than functionality.


Software used to be something which was installed on a physical device. This isn’t the case any more. Many organisations use software and tools which are increasingly browser-based. Think about things like:

  • Google Drive

  • Dropbox

  • Quickbooks, Sage or Xero accountancy systems

  • Email marketing tools

  • Social media communication

When it comes to IT systems, software decisions used to drive much of the decision making process. These days, with things like Office 365 being available on both Windows and Mac devices, software compatability is less of an issue.

There are still plenty of things to consider when designing your IT systems though. In this era of SaaS (Software as a Service) pricing, software which looks cost effective initially can become more expensive as your team grows. While individual license fees can look attractive initially, they can become a financial burden later on. Equally, some specialists applications are expensive to buy outright. Perhaps there are other versions or browser-based solutions which offer similar functionality?

Hello Technology can help you consider what software you need to run your organisation effectively. We can advise on alternatives, which may help reduce costs or increase productivity.


You’ll also need to consider your network requirements. This will include things like setting up wired and wireless networking within a single office or building. It could also include setting up remote network access, or enabling staff to access their computers whilst not being in the office themselves. You might also need to consider NAS (Network Attached Storage) drives, so that staff can share documents. Or perhaps, a tool like Google Drive would be sufficient? It really comes down to what files you’re storing and who needs access.

Backups & Disaster Recovery

What about backups, data management and disaster recovery? When designing an IT system it’s vital to consider how to protect your data. Taking a web-based approach can be a great choice. This is because services like Google Drive and Dropbox are automatically backed-up. But what about files you store locally on your computer? Or on a NAS drive? What about your emails? This is where Hello Technology can help. We can develop a resilient system which ensures you can quickly get up and running again should the worst happen.

Websites & Web Applications

Websites and web-applications have become an integral part of most organisations’ IT systems. These could either be your own websites, or sites you use as part of your work flow. Hello Technology has developed bespoke systems for several of our clients whose organisations handle large quantities of data. A bespoke solution might be just the right approach for your organisation too.

In order for organisations to make the most of their data it must be:

  • Accessible

  • Queryable

This means that file formats such as DOCX, XLSX and PDF may not be the best the most appropriate. These days, the organisations which are the most resilient and adaptable are those which have committed to being data-driven. This requires organisations to setup systems which facilitate data accessibility. Hello Technology can offer advice on how this might be achieved, and even work with you to develop bespoke solutions which give you the edge over your competition.

IT systems design can deliver huge benefits.


Get in touch with our team to discuss how we might help.