Social Media Management

Social media has become a primary method of communication for organisations of all kinds. For most companies it's all about being visible and memorable. Social media is an ongoing conversation between you and your audience.

Supporting Your Organisation’s Communication

At Hello Technology we can help support your organisation’s social media communication. From developing your social media strategy to designing graphics and producing videos. Many small businesses simply do not have the time to dedicate to producing and publishing social media content. That’s where we can help.

We’ll work with you to create an effective social media strategy for your organisation.

Social Media Post Types

Appropriate and effective social media content varies depending on platform. But it can be broken down into the following main types:

Short Form Text

Platforms like X (Twitter) and Facebook were originally designed around short form text posts. X’s 140 character limit has recently been increased, and premium users can publish much longer posts. Given how difficult it can be to capture and keep audience attention online, short posts are generally preferable, regardless of platform.

Longer Articles

Longer articles can work well on some platforms, such as LinkedIn. Longer articles can deliver more useful information, specialist knowledge, advice or a more detailed account of an event. Depending on the platform this may be entirely appropriate.

Photos for Social Media

As the saying goes, “a picture paints a thousand words”. Almost every social media platform has become a visual platform. Posts which include images generally perform better that those without.

Graphics for Social Media

Graphics can be used to present information in eye-catching ways. Things like facts & figures can work well as graphics, as well as text such as captions and quotes. Graphic design can take more time to put together than a photograph, but can communicate more complex information easily when done well.

Video for Social Media

Social media posts with videos are highly effective across all platforms. Gone are the days when video was difficult to produce and required hosting on YouTube or Vimeo. Almost all social platforms will allow video posts in one form or another.

Social Media Copywriting

Writing for social media requires knowledge in a number of areas:

  • Your aims and objectives

  • Detail about a particular product or service you want to promote

  • An understanding of your audience

  • Platform constraints and best practice

We work hard to ensure we’re hitting all of these key areas every time we create posts for social media. At Hello Technology we can work with you, providing training and support to help you write well for social media. We’re also happy to manage accounts directly, on behalf of our customers.

Social Media Content Planning

Developing a content strategy is vital for social media success. Social media doesn’t happen by accident. A good plan can help ensure that appropriate content is produced on time and published in the right places. It doesn’t need to be complicated, but there are a few things which are essential:

  • Declare your aims for each platform you use

  • Define your topics

  • Discover optimum post times and frequency

  • Decide who’s creating the content

  • Determine how the content will be shared

If you’d like to discuss developing a comprehensive social media content strategy please get in touch.


There are loads of social media scheduling tools available. It may be sensible to use a dedicated social media platform such as Hootsuite. However, for many smaller organisations these can be more trouble than they’re worth, adding an additional layer of complexity. Our general recommendation is to post directly from the platform where possible, making use of any native scheduling tools. LinkedIn, X and Facebook all offer scheduling options without the need for additional tools.

Social Media Analytics and Reporting

Once you’ve developed your social media strategy and begun posting regularly, you’ll want to monitor performance. This might mean simply tracking the numbers of followers you have on different platforms. You might want more information – such as numbers of likes, shares and comments. Most social media platforms offer information of this kind, but you might have to hunt for it!

How Hello Technology Can Help

Whether you just want a bit of advice or need a comprehensive social media strategy developing and implementing, we’re here to help.

For thos who need more support we’ll work with you to understand your organisation, who your customers are and what content might work well. Together we’ll create posts for different platforms, producing graphics and videos to make more impact. We can post on your behalf, or help you do this yourself. Every few weeks we’ll review the facts and figures, making improvements to our strategy to help you continue to reach a wider audience.

Get in touch with us today to discuss your social media management requirements.

Discuss your social media strategy with Hello Technology.


We'll help you communicate more effectively.