Print Design

Print design brings together the creativity of graphic design with the technical knowledge required for print media. In these days of digital media, print is less widely used than it once was. But this offers organisations an opportunity. Use print media to surprise and delight your audience.

How Print Design Can Help Your Organisation

Given that so many of our interactions now happen online many interactions are instantly forgetable. Print media can help organisations make real impact, if well used. From a simple business card, to a timely greetings card sent in the mail, to leaflets and brochures. Handing someone something physical which reminds them of your organisation, of meeting you and of having a conversation can be a fantastic way to begin building relationships with others.

Business Cards

Business cards used to be a primary method of introduction. Easy to carry and pass on, business cards provide all the necessary details about your organisation. These days many introductions are made online, through LinkedIn or another social platform. But swapping business cards is far less common.

At Hello Technology, we still believe in the business card! But what a business card looks like, the information shown on it and what it offers the recipient could be opportunities to do something surprising and new.

For a start there are lots of new paper options these days, which offer greater impact and a more memorable first impression. We’ve even seen laser cut plywood or MDF business cards – perfect for joiners and carpenters.

Then there’s size and shape. Business cards don’t need to be rectangular. Consider using a size and shape which is more appropriate to your company. Most printers offer a range of options. From the traditional 85mm x 55mm to square, long and thin or even circular.

Finally, consider the information your business card contains. These days it’s no uncommon to see QR codes on cards, giving your contacts easy access to online information. Business cards can even contain NFC chips, so they can be scanned be a smartphone. If high tech isn’t your thing, consider what information is important. Just your name and number? Email, social media accounts or address?

Designing an effective business card is about more than just assembling all your various contact details on a small piece of thick paper. There are so many opportunities to do something impactful.

Leaflets, Flyers & Brochures

Other printed media include things like leaflets, flyers and brochures. These can often become out of date quickly, especially if pricing information for your products or services is included. Think carefully about what information it’s useful to include, and how you might pair this with information on your website.

Leaflets and flyers are often discarded quickly. Consider what information could be included which might ensure the recipient holds onto them for longer. Perhaps you could include a special offer, a discount code or something else which discourages people from immediately binning your details.

Designing printed brochures or multi-page documents of any kind requires careful consideration. Documents need to be produced in the correct manner for printing. Careful attention needs paying to page order, number of pages, layouts, bleed and margins to ensure the finished item is correctly layed out once printed.

Signage, Vehicle and Window Graphics

Print design also comes into play when designing signage of different kinds. Vehicle and window graphics are popular ways to advertise small businsses. Care needs to be taken when considering the design and layout of such graphics. They must fit properly when applied and remain legible. Hiring the services of a professional designer can save a lot of problems here. This is especially true of window graphics which need applying to the inside of the glass as the artwork must be produced the right way round.

Stickers, Bags and Promotional Material

Stickers can be a great way to advertise your organisation. These could be given out at events, or even used to decorate plain paper bags. Other items which can be useful when it comes to promoting small businesses through print include:

  • Bookmarks

  • Pens and pencils

  • Bags, either fabric or paper

  • Wristbands or lanyards for events

  • Banners and signage

Your print designer will ensure that the artwork is correctly setup for print. They will also pay careful attention to using the correct fonts, colours and logos for your organisation. This will ensure that your brand is effectively represented across all your printed media.

Labels and Product Packaging

Another area which requires specialist knowledge is the printing of labels and product packaging. This could include things like bottles and boxes. These need to be designed carefully to ensure text is the right way round when printed and appropriately sized.

A print designer will take care of all the technical details, ensuring that your labels and packaging come out looking fantastic every time.

At Hello Technology we’ve designed all kinds of print media over the years, including:

  • Business cards, leaflets, brochures and catalogues

  • Bookmarks and book covers

  • Banners and signage

  • Vehicle and window graphics

  • Bags, stickers and promotional items like pens and pencils

Get in touch with us today to discuss your print requirements.

Talk to Hello Technology about print design.


Let's create something which delights your audience.